on ecommerce and records

If you run an ecommerce store and I ask you to list the products available alphabetically from A-Z and you include THE in your sort, I will be disappointed.  This isn’t a shaming post because I’m not going to call out any specific site by name, but I’d like to think that this is one of the small details that I care about and hasn’t been a total waste of time in my development process. Continue reading “on ecommerce and records”

Return to the Case of the Dead Logitech K760

Perhaps you read my post yesterday.

Probably not.  It’s not really a post that sounds exciting to people.  I understand.  I really do.  Anyways my solar powered keyboard complained about the battery again so I left the keyboard in the bathroom in front of a window hoping that it would charge while I slept (I sleep in).  Not really.  I left it outside for several minutes and the keyboard was happy again.  I sat outside and read another chapter in Michael Chabon’s Mysteries of Pittsburgh.  I don’t know if you know this but it’s really bright outside!  With that I semi-confess that I’m slipping into a nocturnal cycle again.  Ah well.

The Case of the Dead Logitech K760

This was rather amusing.  Wait, opposite of amusing. I did not enjoy this.  Last night I sat in front of my iMac and tried to operate with little success because my keyboard was not working.  Last year I had purchased the Logitech K760 which is this lovely solar powered device that can pair with up to three bluetooth devices.  It’s great because I can use it with my iMac, my iPad and my iPhone.  When it works, that’s great and I’m happy.  But last night not only did it not work, it didn’t flash lights indicating that something was very wrong. Continue reading “The Case of the Dead Logitech K760”

MOST ANTICIPATED NEW BOOK OF 2014: Noggin by John Corey Whaley (@corey_whaley)

Noggin comp rev2 Guys, I’m excited.  I’m sure there are other books that are coming out in 2014.  Probably not a new Harry Potter book.  Maybe some new entry in a series about paranormal vampires from space.  Who cares, right?  But let me tell you I’m super excited about a book that was just announced today:  Noggin by John Corey Whaley. Continue reading “MOST ANTICIPATED NEW BOOK OF 2014: Noggin by John Corey Whaley (@corey_whaley)”

RT @antijokeapple Dear people who question why girls to go to the bathroom together, Hermoine went alone and got attacked by a troll

Quicky 3am Film Review: Now You See Me

Hey I know it’s not a new release so this review probably isn’t going to help people because if you were interested in seeing Now You See Me, you probably have already gone.  Or maybe you forgot it exists and HEY READ MY REVIEW!

Now You See Me is a fun engaging film that draws you into a world of slight of hand.  I swear I was sober and I enjoyed it. Continue reading “Quicky 3am Film Review: Now You See Me”

LA Times: Krystian Zimerman reportedly halts recital, criticizes YouTube

A Polish pianist, Krystian Zimerman interrupted a recital because he spied an audience member recording his performance.  Later he told the audience “The destruction of music through YouTube is enormous.”

Franz Ohnesorg, the director of the Ruhr Piano Festival where Zimerman was performing is quoted in the Telegraph that Zimerman “drew attention to a serious problem — that these pieces are available, and free of charge is an act of theft.” Continue reading “LA Times: Krystian Zimerman reportedly halts recital, criticizes YouTube”

I WON A PRIZE! Wally Lamb signed copy of She’s Come Undone

The FedEx man just dropped off a small box containing a signed copy of She’s Come Undone by Wally Lamb, signed by the author!  I don’t really remember entering it but I do recall this is one of those books that’s supposed to be good.  Not just because Oprah thought it was worthy of her O, but I remember seeing (at least one) English teacher reading it so many years ago.  Anyways, fantastic!

In which I try to drum up traffic to my blog by posting an excerpt from the new Dashner book, The Eye of Minds

Michael spoke against…

I was thinking that perhaps I could post the first sentence out of some of the ARCs I picked up at BEA and really a whole sentence isn’t like totally plagiarizing especially if I then review the book because I believe copyright does allow for that sort of use.  I’m sure the publishers wouldn’t appreciate it since most ARCs have warnings that the contents may change before final publication.  (strokes chin)  Regardless of whether or not the publishers would object to this, I feel like it would be mean to me to try and tease you like that. Continue reading “In which I try to drum up traffic to my blog by posting an excerpt from the new Dashner book, The Eye of Minds”

Media Mail Delivery! The Post Office comes through…

Hey … did you know that there is a cheap way of shipping via the Post Office?  Well specifically shipping books (and I think CDs and DVDs as well).  It’s called Media Mail and it’s a bit of a secret because I don’t think I’ve ever seen it posted on the wall in the post office.  Just be warned that your packages may be inspected and it may take a while for delivery.  I sent my five envelopes out of my favorite Post Office (New York City by Penn Station) on Thursday and they arrived today which I am told is Wednesday.  Coast to Coast in under a week!  I wish I had priced what FedEx would have charged so I can compare but if you want to ship out a book…try media mail.  Also, anticipate it getting beat up in the process so try to protect it unless you don’t care how it arrives.