This is not a review of Noggin by @corey_whaley

This is more of a brag post. I think I did a haul blog last night so why not?  I finished Noggin last night.  This morning.  It was after 5am that I finished and the darkness of night was easing up.  But I finished.  I feel like it’s been a while since I’ve finished a book in one day—a real book—so I want to brag about that too.  But mostly I want to sing the praises of Noggin.  I didn’t actually get any sleep today so if I wander through life in a catatonic zombie state, this is why.  And it was well worth it.

Noggin is the story of Travis.  Sixteen year old Travis had lost his battle with cancer and in a last ditch effort agreed to a medical experiment to cryogenically preserve his head.  Maybe in the future, science would be able to bring him back to a life he could live.  Five years later, his head is grafted on the body of a teenage boy who died of a brain tumor.  Travis returns, a visitor in a familiar world that looks so much like the life he lived but in those five years, a lot has changed. Continue reading “This is not a review of Noggin by @corey_whaley”

New Release Tuesday; Wise Young Fool, The Surprise Attack of Jabba the Puppet, and more

I did not buy a book yesterday.  I finished a book and I was at a bookstore but I didn’t buy anything.  Which is good because I knew that it was the day before New Release Tuesday and I would be buying books.  If you told me that I would be going to four different bookstores I’d tell you that sounded unlikely and foolish.  But I did.  I shall also discuss a galley or two that I assume I can disclose … I have not received instructions I can’t. Continue reading “New Release Tuesday; Wise Young Fool, The Surprise Attack of Jabba the Puppet, and more”

Book Soup with @rainbowrowell (and @corey_whaley)

Yesterday morning as I was going through the twitter feed when I saw a tweet from Rainbow Rowell that she was going to do a reading signing at Book Soup.  Rainbow Rowell is the author of the most excellent Eleanor and Park a young adult love story that I generally recommend and enjoyed.  She went to BEA but after I had already left town (and hadn’t finished the book yet).  And then lucky me, unexpected opportunity to see her out here (and have since finished the book). Continue reading “Book Soup with @rainbowrowell (and @corey_whaley)”

MOST ANTICIPATED NEW BOOK OF 2014: Noggin by John Corey Whaley (@corey_whaley)

Noggin comp rev2 Guys, I’m excited.  I’m sure there are other books that are coming out in 2014.  Probably not a new Harry Potter book.  Maybe some new entry in a series about paranormal vampires from space.  Who cares, right?  But let me tell you I’m super excited about a book that was just announced today:  Noggin by John Corey Whaley. Continue reading “MOST ANTICIPATED NEW BOOK OF 2014: Noggin by John Corey Whaley (@corey_whaley)”