A Horrible Host: Beware of Shiny Aliens Who Want You to Live like Canadians

Last night I went to the Arclight Pasadena with Alethea to see a midnight screening of the Host.  I believe we both went in knowing that Rotten Tomatoes was currently listing it as 10% (update: now 12%) but we both have higher than average tolerance for bad content.  (My opinion. I also like to complain about inferior content so that could have increased my desire to go.)

After waiting in line for hours to see Stephenie Meyers and the cast of the Host at the Grove, how could I not see the movie?  And it took me several days to finish the book which I did.  I was somehow dedicated to the idea that I was going to endure this … movie.  And so with the help of Frank, the best Arclight Pasadena greeter and a manhattan made with jack, I tried to sit through the invasion of shiny aliens who want you to live like Canadians. Continue reading “A Horrible Host: Beware of Shiny Aliens Who Want You to Live like Canadians”

In which I exchange words with Stephenie Meyer and stand in more line than I’ve ever stood in at the Grove*

The previous record long line I waited for at the Grove was for the iPhone 4.  I believe that was the point in which I decided “no more” and decided that I would have my new iPhones shipped to me instead of picking them up at the store.  That was the day I met Donald Glover and I think Adam Pally but that was before Adam Pally was Max Blum.  And of course if you ask them they wouldn’t remember me because I didn’t introduce myself and also, not someone significant enough to remember.  My words.  😉

Stephenie Meyer is an author, and this past Friday (the 15th of March in the year 2013 common era) she made an appearance at the Barnes & Noble bookstore at the Grove in sunny Southern California.  I had hoped for a little discussion of the book or movie but I realize in hindsight with all of the people there for signing there would be no way that all of us could be held in one space short of an auditorium or the Hollywood Bowl.  Her previous works are rather well known: Twilight, New MoonEclipse, and Breaking Dawn.  These books involve Pacific Northwestern Vampires I believe and were made into successful movies.  I haven’t seen the movies nor have I read any of those books.

She has also written a book called The Host which involves an invasion by extra terrestrial aliens who come and infiltrate human bodies.  There’s a movie coming out in the very near future based on this book and the Barnes & Noble event was in support of the book and movie.  I did not manage to finish the book before attending the event.  Not only was Stephenie Meyer was there but also the films stars’ Max Irons, Jake Abel and Diane Kruger.  Sadly I had hoped that Saoirse Ronan would be there (a previous Facebook post indicated such) but no such luck.  I had even watched Saoirse’s Graham Norton interview to try and learn how to pronounce her name but … that was in vain.

I arrived in the morning shortly after Barnes & Noble opened and found myself in a very long line to buy books to get wristbands to come back later to get in a line that didn’t move for over an hour.  There was a lot of waiting in line today.  Multiple lines.  I should have timed it all; but I can say I didn’t finish before 4:30pm (event was scheduled to start at 2pm).

Now the words I exchanged with Stephenie were very mild and I admit I wrote that headline to strike peoples interest more than the significance of words.  They were a simple “hi” and “thanks” for signing my books.  If wikipedia is correct and Mrs. Meyer is 39 she is very well preserved.  (Perhaps her knowledge of vampires is drawn on personal experience?  She’ll stay eternally young)

I also had one of the books I had signed by the cast because … really I came to see Max and Jake.  They also signed a poster (the actors) and I got a free set of buttons.

I do wish though that I had a companion who waited in line with me.  It’s so hard in these trying modern days to amuse myself only equipped with an iPod nano, an iPad, an iPhone 5 and a Sony Reader.  They run out of batteries eventually … with people, you just add more candy and it seems to fuel them for a bit.

Speaking of Candy, the nice people at Dylan’s Candy Bar sampled us some gummy teeth and gave us a 10% coupon.  Granted the last time I wandered in the prices were amusingly pricy but … I don’t really need to eat large amounts of candy.  Candy is a treat to be enjoyed sparingly.  Or at least that’s what I think.

I do fear that I was surrounded by girls half my age.  Nobody seemed to think it unusual that I was there and I appreciate that in Hollywood even I seem to be acceptably normal.  Anything else I can mention?  Oh…I was slightly proud of the fact that I was civil to Mrs. Meyers as I cannot say that I enjoyed the very long wait (not her fault) nor have I enjoyed the book (probably her fault).  I will say I respect her.  I don’t have a body of work to speak of and even if I did, who is to say that my writing wouldn’t be poor, rife with characters that people find annoying and awful.

Oh I can’t write a review of The Host.  I think I’m now over half way finished and color me shocked:  I want to finish.  So even given all the indications I’ve provided that I object, I still intend to finish the book (at least before I see the movie).

So many books to read, so little time.  This post may be long and not sense making which is symptomatic of me being very tired.  I didn’t sleep a lot the previous night because I was so excited about seeing Mrs. Meyers (and Max and Jake).

If for some reason Stephenie Meyer reads this and I hope you know better than to read blog posts regarding yourself, thank you for coming.  It’s very nice of you to make time to come out and see the hundreds if not thousands of fans.