TIL Seinen Manga

Today I Learned that there exists a manga category called “seinen manga” …this is the manga equivalent of the dumb boy book.  Material intended for young males ages 18-30.  Violence and exploitative to women.  I won’t say that all of seinen manga is like that, but if you’re put off because a story is particularly violent and the women seem really cool with pleasing men, then that could be seinen manga.

I was reading volume 1 of Gunsmith Cats.  When I first encountered the name Gunsmith Cats, I thought it was about alien humanoid felines with guns.  No, it’s set in the near-past Chicago.  I don’t know if there are any cats in this manga.  And there seems to be confusion regarding the protagonist’s name:  It’s either RALLY or LARRY.  Considering that it’s a girl, most people assume that it’s not Larry. Continue reading “TIL Seinen Manga”

This month’s book club selection: The False Prince

Well.  I just finished this month’s YABC selection:  The False Prince by Jennifer A. Nielsen, book one of The Ascendance Trilogy.  I cannot review it for fear that I will be assassinated and replaced by an orphan doppelgänger.  Until tomorrow’s meeting of course.  It might be a spirited meeting as one member has tweeted unhappiness.  Not me!

The Joker got bored of Batman so he thought he’d go after Superman in Injustice: Gods Among Us Vol. 1

This is a review of the graphic novel:  Injustice:  Gods Among Us Volume 1.  Lois Lane is pregnant.  Jimmy Olsen is killed by the Joker who then kidnaps Lois and sets a trap for Superman.  Under the influence of Scarecrow’s fear gas, Superman ends up killing Lois and destroying Metropolis with the warhead to a nuclear missile.

And then Superman kinda goes crazy and becomes a benevolent dictator policing the world of all conflict and war.  Batman isn’t exactly on board with this new order and this is actually an elaborate back story for a video game.  They needed to come up with a situation that would explain Superman and Batman fighting each other…
Continue reading “The Joker got bored of Batman so he thought he’d go after Superman in Injustice: Gods Among Us Vol. 1”

ICYMI RT @Mike_Mullin I just learned the release date for SUNRISE! March 17. mikemullinauthor.com/Sunrise

Sunrise is the final book in the Ashfall trilogy. Sadly I haven’t finished Ashen Winter but as I recall YABC enjoyed Ashfall… the story of a boy who tries to survive after Yellowstone’s super volcano erupts. Updating my upcoming book list

SeaWorld would like to make it known that they are not currently stealing baby Orcas

After my post about Blackfish, the new documentary about Tilikum I went to the film’s website where they had posted a response from SeaWorld.  SeaWorld says that it is not stocking their parks with orcas captured from the wild.  Not in more than 35 years.  (This is why they masturbate Tilikum.)

Apparently the response does not include any ideas as to why captive male orca suffer from dorsal fin collapse.  Knowing that the rate of dorsal fin collapse in the wild is very low (1%) and the rate of dorsal fin collapse in captivity is high (most/all male orcas) was disturbing information to me.

Blackfish Official Film Site:  SeaWorld responds

And the trailer:

Whalesturbation and the disturbing tale of Blackfish OR why I can’t enjoy Shamu anymore

There’s this film…a semi biographical documentary about a Orca named Tilikum.  Tilikum is an imprisoned slave to the SeaWorld company who keeps him around for profit.  Tilikum has been known to contribute to or outright kill and mutilate people.  Especially people with ponytails.  And this disturbing information is what I’m bringing with me after watching the movie Blackfish. Continue reading “Whalesturbation and the disturbing tale of Blackfish OR why I can’t enjoy Shamu anymore”

Chris Colfer signed his new book at Vromans, and street pass OC madness

chriscolfer Today at long last was the day Chris Colfer had his signing at Vromans. I had been looking forward to this for a while (for an indeterminate period of time longer than a week). Much praise to the Vromans staff. I took a picture from the line. It’s an awful picture; blurry and his head is obstructed. Ah well it wasn’t important.
Continue reading “Chris Colfer signed his new book at Vromans, and street pass OC madness”

The Lost Boy: a richly illustrated fantasy tale by Greg Ruth

cover31012-medium“Some mysteries are too dangerous to leave alone…”

Nate’s not happy about his family moving to a new house in a new town.  After all, nobody asked him if he wanted to move in the first place.  But when he discoveres a tape recorder and note addressed to him under the floorboards of his bedroom, Nate is thrust into a dark mystery about a boy who went missing many, many years ago.  (from the official description)

So this is not the Dave Pelzer book. Continue reading “The Lost Boy: a richly illustrated fantasy tale by Greg Ruth”

ICYMI More Instagram videos: free candy is good candy and an Elysium video review

In Case You Missed It (because I posted these at 1am in the morning and somehow you’re online at 10p on a Friday) Continue reading “ICYMI More Instagram videos: free candy is good candy and an Elysium video review”

Elysium is a nice place to visit, but not the best film this summer

If I go to sleep before writing this review I might not remember to do it.  So I apologize if I’m not coherent now.  I don’t have an excuse for the other times I’m incoherent.  Saw Elysium tonight and while I enjoyed the film, it could have been better.  It’s not because I don’t support tales where poverty-class protagonists raise themselves out of the dirt to become heroes.  No, it’s because I feel like Elysium could have been epic and instead I feel like the story suffered from either uninspired writing or a desire to shape the movie to message.

Matt Damon is Max and he’s a guy raised by nuns who likes a girl who is a nurse and one of his coping strategies in a world of poverty is crime.  So he’s got a history as a car thief.  But he’s trying to do good now.  He’s got a job…but it all goes wrong and he ends up a hippopotamus.  Luckily a cute girl is a meerkat. Continue reading “Elysium is a nice place to visit, but not the best film this summer”