I did not get to see or talk to Jeremy Iversen. #BookFest #Fail

So … one of the first books I read on my Sony Reader was a book called High School Confidential and it was written by this guy Jeremy Iversen and it talks about his experiences at my high school.

This was after I graduated.

Continue reading “I did not get to see or talk to Jeremy Iversen. #BookFest #Fail”

House of Secrets Panel Ned Vizzini @ned_vizzini, Chris Columbus #BookFest

9780062192486.600x600-75TL; DR
:  I attended the panel with Ned Vizzini and Chris Columbus at LATFOB and just missed out on the opportunity to get a copy of their new book, House of Secrets. Continue reading “House of Secrets Panel Ned Vizzini @ned_vizzini, Chris Columbus #BookFest”

LATFOB the #BookFest Day One

I really should go to sleep.  I don’t even know why I went to the gym tonight.  Today was really tiring because it was like the book amusement park.  The book theme park.  No, I’m not going to call it the Disneyland of books because there was no admission.  HA.  YOU THOUGHT I WAS GOING TO BE CLICHE and I managed to avoid it.

So today is the first day of the 2013 Los Angeles Times Festival of Books, the annual big book event in Los Angeles where I’m surprised at how many people come around to look at book stuff and hear authors and what not.  Los Angeles is not a big reading town.  That’s one thing that I have noticed while traveling on the east coast…people with their noses in books (on mass transit and so forth).  And not shallow glossy magazines.  Books that sometimes impress me, the former bookseller and intellectual snob. Continue reading “LATFOB the #BookFest Day One”

Body Mass Index Obsession

Those of you who know me may have noticed that I am not a skinny person.

I don’t even know what I’m trying to say with this post.  I’m obese.  I’m taking steps to become less obese.  My goal right now is to be overweight.  Out of context that sounds bad, but what I meant is I would like to decrease my body mass index from the “obese range” to the “overweight range” which is what stands in between me and “normal” …so that’s a goal.

As it stands I have fourteen pounds to shed before I pass the threshold between “obese” and “overweight.”  I don’t think I’m going to make regular updates about my weight, but if you want, I’m tracking everything on fitbit.  We can be friends.

Vromans Pop Up sucks up my cash

Oh Vromans. You are my local independent bookstore and I have given you lots of my moneys. I am the mayor of your Hastings Ranch branch and for some reason you think my address is the location of your old Museum Store on Lake Avenue. But when you tweeted that you opened up a temporary Pop Up store so like a fool I came by and purchased seventeen books at a time when I wasn’t looking for books to read.  (Of course they’re all remainders but they were half off the stickered price)

Selections include:

  1. Blue Bloods the graphic novel
  2. Smollett’s The Expedition of Humphry Clinker!  “The most laughable story that has ever been written since the goodly art of novel-writing began”
  3. American Turnaround.  I remember Ed Whitacre was on like The Daily Show or something.
  4. Fresh Off the Boat.  I saw this in Entertainment Weekly and had no intention of purchasing it.
  5. Native Son.  Also known as a book I didn’t read in high school.
  6. The Orphan Master’s Son.  Also known as the book that John Green says beats The Fault In Our Stars.  I don’t know if it’s better or if people just vote for it more or who knows what.
  7. Every You, Every Me.  A novel by David Levithan that I did not enjoy.  As I recall I purchased the eBook and was hoping that seeing the pictures on paper would be an improvement.
  8. You Killed Wesley Payne.  I just met Sean Beaudoin and sadly he went back home to Seattle so it’s not going to be easy to get him to sign this copy but I remember looking at it in bookstores before.
  9. Divergent.
  10. In-N-Out Burger.  I own this in hardcover but it’s in boxes.
  11. The Lightning Thief.  Maybe I’ll even get around to Sea of Monsters in time for the movie!
  12. Scarlet.  I forget if I got this in ARC at ALA.  But if not, here it is!
  13. Distrust That Particular Flavor.
  14. Immortal City.  Because you know, unrealistically beautiful angels need to be objectified in text.
  15. and a signed copy of Reached!

A Horrible Host: Beware of Shiny Aliens Who Want You to Live like Canadians

Last night I went to the Arclight Pasadena with Alethea to see a midnight screening of the Host.  I believe we both went in knowing that Rotten Tomatoes was currently listing it as 10% (update: now 12%) but we both have higher than average tolerance for bad content.  (My opinion. I also like to complain about inferior content so that could have increased my desire to go.)

After waiting in line for hours to see Stephenie Meyers and the cast of the Host at the Grove, how could I not see the movie?  And it took me several days to finish the book which I did.  I was somehow dedicated to the idea that I was going to endure this … movie.  And so with the help of Frank, the best Arclight Pasadena greeter and a manhattan made with jack, I tried to sit through the invasion of shiny aliens who want you to live like Canadians. Continue reading “A Horrible Host: Beware of Shiny Aliens Who Want You to Live like Canadians”

Bookswaps are Awesome! But I went overboard.

IMG_5480A little while back my book club the ya book council held a book swap at the Glendale Public Library  Montrose Branch and I was super excited because I wanted to get rid of some titles I had accumulated over the years that I didn’t really want to hold on to.  I live amongst stacks of books… which is scary because I am consuming most of my books in electronic mediums. Continue reading “Bookswaps are Awesome! But I went overboard.”

Being sick is awesome (not)

My body may not reflect a gym-heavy routine but before yesterday I had been on a sixty-one day straight streak going to the gym.  But yesterday I was feeling sick and it was probably something I ate because at some point I was expelling some really awful gas.  Burping.  Farting.  Awful.

And then it came down to plan V which really wasn’t my choice but I don’t know why I resisted it.  There are times when vomiting is the solution.  And I think that was the situation last night.  There was actually two rounds of vomiting half an hour apart.  At the end I think I ran out of contents in my stomach but then I felt a lot better and I almost went to the gym.

But I figured I’d take the day off.  And being sick means I didn’t gain any weight…I lost nearly five pounds.  So I guess it’s okay to take a day off now and then.  Can you imagine how awful it would be to be vomiting at the gym?  Terrible.

Some of my family suggested that I was having a reaction from visiting the Reagan Library.

The Pantages tries to buy my love with chocolate

Once again the Pantages is trying to get me to renew my subscription for their 2013-14 season.  I don’t expect that they know why I have not yet renewed; I haven’t sent them any response nor do I expect that they have encountered my previous post explaining my lack of enthusiasm.  One must admire their persistence in the matter; perhaps others have likewise cooled to their subscriptions after enduring Jekyll & Hyde and facing a new season with shows they’ve previously enjoyed.

At the performance of Catch Me If You Can I noticed cards placed at my seats that read:

RENEW NOW FOR FREE CHOCOLATE! Continue reading “The Pantages tries to buy my love with chocolate”