A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court and Winger

I don’t like it when a book gives me a reading assignment.  Winger is not a short book and in part two I encountered this footnote:

Okay. If you haven’t read A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court, you should.  Because it is fucking hilarious, and there’s no way you’d understand “Hello, Central” unless you read the book.

Continue reading “A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court and Winger”

Upcoming Book Recommendation: Codename Zero by Chris Rylander @chris_rylander

I just finished a digital galley of Chris Rylander’s upcoming book, Codename Zero.  His previous books, The Fourth Stall (Parts 1, 2, and 3) have enjoyable reads and Codename Zero is as well.  It’s a spy action intrigue book set in a quiet North Dakota town.  There’s a new milk bar in town … that’s about as exciting as it seems to get.  (The town, not the book)

I’m recommending it for middle grade readers.  Boys may appreciate it more than girls but maybe use this as a metric:  Do you think fainting goats are funny?  Well then be prepared for GOATEMONIUM.

Apologies in advance:  the book comes out February 4, 2014.  So … be patient.

Book Soup with @rainbowrowell (and @corey_whaley)

Yesterday morning as I was going through the twitter feed when I saw a tweet from Rainbow Rowell that she was going to do a reading signing at Book Soup.  Rainbow Rowell is the author of the most excellent Eleanor and Park a young adult love story that I generally recommend and enjoyed.  She went to BEA but after I had already left town (and hadn’t finished the book yet).  And then lucky me, unexpected opportunity to see her out here (and have since finished the book). Continue reading “Book Soup with @rainbowrowell (and @corey_whaley)”

Quarantine Book Two: The Saints (@LexThomasAuthor)

9781606843376-1.600x600-75 Newest addition to the library is a signed copy of Lex Thomas’s second Quarantine (Quaranteens!) book, The Saints. Saw them at the Barnes & Noble at the Grove.

Lex remembered me from the Ontario Teen Book Fest. I declined to wear my author event jacket because it was just too hot. I should like to think that my author event jacket helps authors remember me but at the same time I never assume that there are reasons for authors to remember me. With a few exceptions of course.

I love to refer to the series as Quaranteens even though it was changed before publication.  If you’re unfamiliar basically a high school has been quarantined and all of the students fight amongst themselves for dominance… It’s going to be a trilogy.  Book one was The Loners and is already available.  Oh…. should have asked that.

I’m not great on coming up on questions for authors so it was great that Lex came prepared for questions.

Ugh.  It took me 30 minutes to get over the hill and into Hollywood.  Surface street traffic and it didn’t even seem particularly bad.

Misleading headlines: Activists to boycott Harrison Ford’s new film

I saw this on Yahoo! and felt that I wanted to comment.  The headline was:  “Activists to boycott Harrison Ford’s new film.”

This is a misleading headline because it makes the uninformed reader think that for some reason activists are taking issue with Harrison Ford and therefore boycotting his films.  Which is incorrect.  The “activists” or “sane people who read” are actually boycotting Orson Scott Card, the author whose book Ender’s Game has been adapted for screen, featuring Harrison Ford.  Harrison Ford did not direct, produce, or write this film. Continue reading “Misleading headlines: Activists to boycott Harrison Ford’s new film”

Book 84 in 2013: Proxy by Alexander London @ca_london

9781101625859.600x600-75 This is the post about Proxy.  Proxy is a recent release from Alexander London set in a dystopian cyberpunk future.  Great luxe living is available for a price.  For those who can’t afford it, there are plans and schemes to work off your debts.  The disparity between the bright and shiny people and the poor and downtrodden is striking and frighteningly a possible outcome of our current direction as a society…

Parts of this future world feels familiar.  From Feed, (or google) we have targeted advertising where everywhere we go you find ads that are tailored to you and your personal habits.  From the Whipping Boy, we get the naive hope that young people can be shamed into behaving by watching other people get punished for their misdeeds.  I’m sure numerous other stories have done this, but for some reason I was reminded of Logan’s Run when they *spoiler* flee the city.  I also suggested that I was reminded of Virtual Light but that’s mainly because of the glasses which act as a computer interface.  And all of the talk of blood sacrifice and forgiveness reminded me of the bible. Continue reading “Book 84 in 2013: Proxy by Alexander London @ca_london”

The 626 Night Market

2013-07-08 15.01.37

The 626 Night Market … I don’t know how to best describe it.  It’s an adhoc collection of mostly asian vendors.  Now being held at the Santa Anita Racetrack, I thought I might stop by and see what there was.  Free parking!

…I wonder however that perhaps it would be better to hold it at a place that doesn’t smell of horses.  I think people might be more inclined to buy food if they didn’t smell the reminders of horses.

Mysteries of Pittsburgh (3/5) with spoiler

I just finished another book that I assumed wasn’t a Young Adult book but turned out to be yet another coming of age themed book, The Mysteries of Pittsburgh. The only real mystery is why our protagonist is okay leaving some very real issues unresolved and how he will just push people away instead of finding out what happened.

I just watched the trailer for the film and got very upset. One of the major characters has been removed from the plot completely. The dapper homosexual doesn’t exist and instead the attractive protagonist apparently has a dalliance with the scruffy bear biker! What an unlikely pairing.

Continue reading “Mysteries of Pittsburgh (3/5) with spoiler”

Monsters University and World War Z

I saw some movies and I was thinking that I should say something about that.  Monsters University was enjoyable but I think I enjoyed the original Monsters Inc better.  Not a surprise.  But I thought it really looked nice.

World War Z wasn’t as bad as I had feared with the trailer.  Afterwards I had a thought which was kinda spoilery so I won’t include it here and OH GOD THIS POST REALLY SAYS NOTHING. Continue reading “Monsters University and World War Z”