David Yenoki.
I’m a webdeveloper by trade. I’ve worked on PHP and Ruby on Rails projects. I also can do some javascript and jQuery but I’m not proud of the prototype hacks. I’m from a small college town in southern California called Claremont where there are more trees than people (I assume). I was formerly a political science major but more importantly I like books.
I’m a member of a local book club, the YA Book Council and I’m prone to attending book events and what not. I was a bookseller for over five years with our dearly departed Borders Books, Music and Café. I don’t know where it is exactly but I do have my five year lanyard. Which is very special because as I understand it they don’t give those out anymore.
I recently attended BEA 2013. BookExpo America is “the largest annual book trade show in America” according to wikipedia. I attended ALA (American Library Association) back when it was in Anaheim and I hope to attend Vegas next year. Book convention road trip? YES PLEASE.